Thursday, July 10, 2008

"The Story of Stuff"

My former roommate Dustin Hill introduced me to this website and it has help me know a little bit more about how we as consumers are contributing negatively to global pollution. In my opinion people let their politcal views get in the way of what is really going on in the world.

"Well that Al Gore is a democrat and is making up this global warming stuff to push his agenda. Them democrats want to abort our babies and make gay marriage legal."

The environment is not about that, its about all of us. Don't think the environment is a left winged political agenda. The story of stuff helps educate why we don't need so much stuff. Can we take stuff with us when we die, no! Can we leave things better for our children when we die, yes. If you believe in families and a better world; educate yourself. We need to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Every little bit helps. Be conscious of how you may be effecting the world.

Don't let politics tell you that we are not in a global crisis. Reduce consumption! Take a look and educate yourself. Do what you can to help and don't live in ignorance.